About Carlos

I'm Carlos Torres, a software engineer who thrives on building user-friendly web and mobile applications. Two years in, I'm passionate about crafting intuitive interfaces and tackling complex challenges with tools like React, Python, and React Native. Beyond the code, I'm a strong team player who gets a kick out of delivering solutions that truly impact users.

This passion for innovation is evident in my achievements, from winning hackathons to leading full-stack development projects. I'm constantly learning and pushing boundaries, eager to collaborate on your next project and bring your vision to life.

Photo of Carlos

What I use



B.S Computer Science

2019 - 2023 / UAM

I graduated with a GPA of 3.7. During this time, I participated in two tournaments. One was an entrepreneurship fair, where I won first place by creating a mobile app to improve mental health. I was responsible for creating both the backend and the app itself.

The second tournament was a hackathon. My team and I represented a college at the national level and won third place by creating a video chat app featuring AI for sign language recognition. I was responsible for both the backend and frontend of the app, and I also created the entire WebRTC infrastructure.



2023 - Current / Self Employed
  • Built e-commerce platforms for clients using Shopify and WordPress, streamlining their online sales processes.
  • Contributed to UI development for various projects using cutting-edge technologies like Next.js.
  • Designed and created bespoke websites for clients using Next.js, implementing a Headless CMS (Prismic) for content management flexibility.

Software Engineer I

2022 - 2023 / AK Digital
  • Designed and implemented multiple full-stack applications catering to both end users and internal tools.
  • Collaborated closely with UX/UI designers to implement visually appealing and intuitive interfaces, aligning with project requirements and user expectations.
  • Collaborated on the development of multiple mobile applications for external clients, with a focus on financial institutions, utilizing React Native

Frontend Engineer Internship

April 2022 - October 2023 / AK Digital
  • Developed and implemented reports features for CRM projects using Python and HTML,CSS & JS and frameworks like Bulma, Odoo CRM.
  • Designed and developed a web application that automates project closure report generation by extracting data from the Jira platform.
  • Designed and implemented unit tests to ensure code quality and functionality.